Publication of Brexit Contingency Action Plan Update


The government announced further steps in its ongoing Brexit constellation and preparatory work and recognised that there is now a significant risk of no-deal Brexit on 31 October.

The Brexit Action Plan update published reflects the extensive work already done at government and EU level, as well as the additional work that will take place by 31 October.

The consequences of a No Deal Brexit will be profound, including macroeconomic, trade and sectoral challenges. It will also have an impact on trade on the island of Ireland, North-South cooperation and risks to the Good Friday Agreement and political stability. It could have a lasting social impact on Northern Ireland.

While the government's extensive preparatory and emergency efforts will help mitigate the negative impact of Brexit, a no-deal Brexit will be highly disruptive. In such a scenario it will be impossible for the UK to maintain the current seamless arrangements with the EU in all areas and this will have an impact on Ireland.

For the period up to 31 October, the Action Plan stresses the need for enhanced preparatory measures, in particular for exposed companies. Citizens and businesses cannot assume that because a No Deal Brexit was averted in March and April, the same thing will happen in October - the need for careful preparation is more urgent than ever. Key areas for further work include preparation for the 2020 budget, additional infrastructure for ports and airports and a new phase of government Brexit communication, including an intensified revenue engagement programme focusing on individual companies, including targeted letters and follow-up calls.

A short summary and the full document can be found here.