AHK News

"The impact of Covid-19 on the Irish Economy"


"The impact of Covid-19 on the Irish Economy" by Dr Loretta O'Sullivan, Group Chief Economist at Bank of Ireland

Dr Loretta O’Sullivan, Group Chief Economist at Bank of Ireland, discussed the impact of Covid-19 in the weekly Webinar of the German-Irish Chamber on 14th May.

The Webinar, moderated and introduced by Ralf Lissek, emphasized on the questions of the recent evolving development on the Irish situation, insigits from Bank of Ireland’s Economic Pulse sentiment tracker and the current Covid-19 scenario.

Over 70 people registered for the webinar and thanks to Loretta’s expert knowledge, she gave us some very interesting and real Insights from Bank of Ireland's Economic Pulse sentiment tracker.

The audience were very engaged and we enjoyed a very interactive question and answer session. Questions came in on topics like, ‘Helicopter money’, ‘Corona bonds’ and the Construction Industry.

See the presentation of the webinar here.